
It’s a one-on-one video call Designed to clarify and motivate your creative goals! Or it’s an opportunity to have your cover illustration or design critiqued utilizing 20+ years of cover design and illustration experience.  Or it’s the chance to receive feedback on your comics script from the perspective of a prospective illustrator. Or it’s the chance to discuss how and why you make the art that you do which someone who’s devoted his live to making a living as a creative.

The Coaching Consult is special a one-on-one video coaching series meant clarify and motivate your creative goals! In three sessions: BEFORE, DURING & AFTER (your project launches) – we will have downloadable coaching session. It’s an opportunity to have your illustration or design work critiqued over the course of its development. utilizing 20+ years of cover design and illustration experience.  Or it’s the chance to develop your comics script from the perspective of a prospective illustrator. Only 1 slot available for this special offer.

Whether it’s a book launch, a crowdfunding campaign, a pitch or proposal – the Creative Crucible method will help you achieve Lift-Off!

This 5-week one-on-one coaching program is framed around the teachings & theories of my Campaign Crucible.


A 6 week boot-camp where we will boil down exactly what it’ll take to get your crowdfunding campaign ready for launch.